There are many different muscle testing methods that are complex and use reflex or acupuncture points to help determine weaknesses in the body while other methods are very simple and test for muscle weakness or strength in the presence of specific supplements or foods. The electrical activity picked up by the. Change the face mask each day. There are numerous muscle testing methods. The best first cycle is testosterone only, so you get a feel for steroids. Muscle tests fall under two categories: strength tests and directional tests. Focus on something or someone negative, and try to lift the finger or thumb again. Technique #2: The single handed test. Kinesiology (Muscle Testing) uses the relationship between thoughts and the muscles of the body to access knowledge. The more contact, the harder it will be to pull them apart. Taking in too much zinc can be harmful, however, and it may cause a range of symptoms, including nausea, diarrhea, and headaches. The form known as vitamin D 3 is usually recommended, but D 2 is also effective; for best results, take your vitamin D along with a meal that has some fat. Many theta practitioners teach to their clients and have. . Muscle testing on yourself can be done with a variety of different tests, such as the Sway Test, the Ring-in-Ring Test, the Elbow Test, and more!Testosterone injection is used for the treatment of men whose bodies do not make enough natural testosterone, a condition called hypogonadism. . It’s very common to doubt your answers, but as you continue to gain experience and become a proficient muscle testing practitioner you’ll begin to find confidence in your abilities. In addition to vitamins, dietary supplements can contain minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, enzymes, and many other ingredients. They have no major side effects. Food and Drug Administration. The patient stands while pressure is applied to the anterior deltoid. Clenbutrol - Best Steroids for fat burning. This is the first method that we teach in The Emotion Code because most people are able to make it work for themselves with only a little practice, so it might be a good backup method to know, even if it does take a little longer to run this type of test. Muscle Force delivers a unique supplement that mixes creatine HCL, beta-alanine, and astragin. Then throw away the tissue. None of the physical. Follow-up guidance: free nurse. A smooth response is “strong”; a sticky response is “weak. scherSafety and side effects of magnesium: Magnesium supplements may cause upset stomach, nausea, or diarrhea in some people. Semrush Rank: 4,061,351 Facebook ♡: 82 Categories: Health/Alternative, , Health, Alternative BeliefsSwallowing air. Best Pre-Workout for Women: Legion Athletics Pulse. Ask your question and attempt to pull your fingers apart quickly. Use your right hand to hold the fingers apart. Simply put, this helps your cells burn fat more efficiently. Here's how to do the test: Lie on the floor with knees bent at a 90-degree angle and feet flat on the floor. Hypochlorhydria means low stomach acid — specifically, low hydrochloric acid (HCI), which is the most powerful acid your stomach produces. Common Symptoms. . Learning how to muscle test yourself takes a little practice. . This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Make an “OK” sign with your non-dominant hand. Manage your weight. Sit or stand with your arm bent at your side. Best Citrulline for Maintaining Muscle Growth: Onnit Total Nitric Oxide. See more ideas about muscle testing, muscle, kinesiology. Tri-Protein - Recommended Supplement for Bodybuilding. Make sure you’re not drawing in air bubbles, which can throw off the measuring of your dose. Discontinuation syndrome can cause nausea, tremor, dizziness, muscle pains, weakness, insomnia, anxiety, and brain " zaps ," Symptoms usually last one to two weeks but, in some people, gradually subside over a period as long as a year. Tense your abs, sit up straight and use your legs to drive you until they’re extended. This is the best pendant. Whole Body Testing. Intensive Pre-Train - Premium Pre-Workout Supplement for Weight Loss. Liver tumors, or other changes to the liver. Develop strong bones. Symptoms may include digestive distress, joint pain, brain fog, migraine. If using a powder form of magnesium, be sure to completely dissolve the powder in water before taking to avoid injury to the esophagus. STANDING DELTOID MUSCLE TEST. Discover what your body is trying to tell you by learning how to muscle test yourself at this Zoom workshop. Legion pulse gives you super-lasting endurance and prevents even minor soreness. How to do a kinesiology muscle test to help identify food intolerance. Set a time by which you stop your caffeine intake each day. Muscle testing is a technique in which a practitioner applies gentle pressure to one muscle or to a group of muscles in order to determine if it stays strong or goes weak. 2. All people who use anabolic steroids might start to get: Severe acne. To understand how muscle testing works, we must first introduce a new concept of allergy. Check with your doctor right away if you have pain or tenderness in the upper stomach, pale stools, dark urine, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, or yellow eyes or skin. Here are two of these ways to do muscle testing: 1- Finger and Thumb Test See full list on thehealthpriority. Muscle Testing to Identify Optimal Supplements. Muscle testing might be the answer. Entraînez-vous dans le test musculaire pour accéder aux informations de votre subconscient. Pull-up. There are many different ways to perform muscle testing, either on yourself or another person. The Sway Test: The easiest method of self muscle testing to learn is called The Sway Test. Assessing respiratory mechanics and muscle function is critical for both clinical practice and research purposes. Phone: 800-535-9858. Applied kinesiology, or muscle testing, is a method developed in 1964 for the purpose of diagnosing medical conditions, detecting energy imbalances, elucidating nutritional deficiencies and allergies, and determining prescribed therapies. Personal muscle testing; Bring a friend and receive $ 10 off; $25 off a personal or phone clinic session with Pam (worth over $150) 70 off Red Level 1 st weekend workshop when attend; Guidance on any food or supplements you bring to be tested for yourself; Free emotional scan sheet; A cuppa and nibbles; Book your seat now by emailing. Self Testing Technique One: Bring your left thumb together with your left pointer finger, making an O shape. You can also act as a surrogate and muscle test for another person. Want to learn Self-Muscle Testing? Join my 5-week Zoom Course!Next course starts on January 16, 2024Choose a time - 11am PST or 5pm PST$247 for the whole cou. In 5 days patient feels better. Now with your opposite arm use two fingers and say "yes" while slightly pushing on your arm. Pam at. This is biohacking your own ideal life. How to Do Self Muscle Testing - 7 Ways to Muscle Test With Yourself. Applied kinesiology (AK) is the term most commonly used to identify a pseudoscientific system of muscle-testing and therapy. : A couple more big handfuls of nuts, plus some dried fruit or granola. I’ve developed and practiced a system of holistic healing based on Kinesiology (Muscle Testing) for over 20 years. PhenQ - Best Muscle Growth Supplements For Lean Muscle Gain. The gist of muscle testing is that if something is true or aligned with the body/unconscious mind/Divine Will, and if it strengthens rather than weakens the subject, then the muscle will be strong. TestoMax – Best Testosterone Booster For Gym Enthusiasts & Bodybuilders. Other effects. Take a moment to focus on your breath. Restlessness or anxiety. Riti – Best For Boosting Testosterone Levels Naturally. . 1. It can be practiced on another or on oneself. After lightly touching the person’s arm so that the deltoid muscle is engaged, the person performing the test would then use a reasonable amount of force (2-4 lbs. Featuring the highest quality 5a-OHP, a powerful androgenic precursor that facilitates hardened muscle mass and density. Contains 28 grams of protein per 34 gram scoop. 2. Electromyography (EMG) measures muscle response or electrical activity in response to a nerve’s stimulation of the muscle. 2. The study analyzed the performance of 61 men aged between 18 and 35 years. Determine which foods depress or upgrade a horse’s. Hold the skin tight at the injection site and insert the needle at a 90-degree angle. Best Micronized Creatine: Legion Athletics Recharge. Non-essential Amino Acids—1: Every parasite will muscle test for 2 of the 18 (or so) common non-essential amino acids. It is very simple to do and the more that you practise it, the quicker and clearer your answers will come through. Prime Male – Best for Boosting Virility in Aging Males. In this video, I show you two simple ways to energy test yourself. Sophie Benshitta Maven’s Post Sophie Benshitta Maven Energy maven, coach, trainer, spiritual teacherMake your tummy happy and learn to 3 basic steps to get started in your own kitchen. Madison King demonstrates the kines. Articles; Recipes; Supplements; Favorites; 05. Stretch in a smooth movement, without bouncing. Your joints, especially those in your back and shoulders, may be sore if you weren’t moving around much when you. Wear light, loose-fitting clothing when running. 2. Testing is often more difficult than it. Muscle testing is used to understand strength of truth in what your subconscious is experiencing. It can be particularly useful for those with increased protein needs, such as highly active individuals and athletes, as well as those with dietary restrictions that can lead to low protein intake. com and info@primalmuscle. com and alternatives. Muscle Testing is a key feature of PSYCH-K®, and is the direct communication link we. heart attack is preventable disease. PENDANT RECOMMENDATION: I discuss where to find pendants for energy testing in the video. Insert your index finger from the opposite hand into the circle. It can also cause dry eyes, constipation, and trouble urinating. Test your vitamins, supplements and other products on a regular basis, or at least when you buy a new supply. Most comprehensive at-home test: Ro Testosterone Evaluation Test. There are many people (and sites) that teach basic muscles testing skills. Essentially, a baseline measurement is taken. Potassium is classed as a mineral supplement. Before going on, look at the position you have just formed with your hand. 5. Know the best ways to muscle test to create greater health, wealth and success / Learn the many ways to muscle test: on others, on yourself with one or two hands. uncontrollable desire to get back on testosterone. The Body’s Language. This common vehicle creates a common language that leads to clearer, more reliable, and more powerful testing. One solution is a well-designed weight training program. . You or your caregiver may be trained to prepare and inject Xyosted™ injection at home. Put your pendulum in the moonlight for a couple of hours or longer. The 16 Best Creatine Supplements of November 2023. Stay safe with the latest clinical findings & warnings. " And, sometimes, muscle cramps can actually be a sign of something even more worrisome. Adequate sleep –– 7 to 9 hours a night for adults –– allows your muscles to repair and grow after exercise. 5 grams per day of Omega-3 and 7. How To Perform Muscle Testing. In order to prepare for muscle testing sessions, try drinking enough water, meditating for a few moments to center yourself, or even taking a nap if you’re tired! If you still feel uncertain, or unfocused, coming back to the practice another day can be a good idea. Symptoms of low potassium include muscles that feel weak, cramp, or twitch; and abnormal heart rhythms. PsychTrainer 1. It is found in every cell of the. How to self muscle test. Increased pain. Try not to make contact with too much of the pad of the finger. Psychotherapy. Part of the FDA, CFSAN oversees the safety and labeling of supplements, foods, and cosmetics. Elevated CK levels can mean you have some sort of muscle damage in your body. Form a circle with your thumb and ring finger. Testo-Max: Best for weight loss and energy. Save money by finding high-quality products at lower cost. How to choose. There’s also a physical address for the company on the BBB file. Lifestyle changes you make can be customised to how your body works. Vitamin toxicity is common. Don't underestimate the power of a good night's sleep. Provacyl - Best Steroid for Muscle Growth to boost testosterone. The most common ingredients in today's popular pre-workouts include caffeine, beta-alanine, leucine or BCAAs, and nitric oxide boosters such as Nitrosigine, arginine, or citrulline, all of which appear to help increase blood flow. The test is roughly $179, and you can use flexible spending account (FSA) or health savings account (HSA) funds to. We'll also be updating it with the best Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals. Best Creatine Monohydrate: Jacked Factory Creatine Monohydrate. prolonged use of antibiotics. m. If it’s false, not aligned, or weakens the subject, the muscle will weaken. It will probably stay put. TestoPrime: Best testosterone supplement overall. Best Testosterone Supplement Overall: Xwerks Rise. Common Ambien side effects may include: daytime drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, feeling "drugged" or light-headed; tired feeling, loss of coordination; stuffy nose, dry mouth, nose or throat irritation; nausea, constipation, diarrhea, upset stomach; or. There are three primary ways to self muscle test: whole body, two handed, one handed. See answers from our experts. Workout supplements typically contain a range of active ingredients, such as: Protein. With muscle testing, you can use your own body as a tool to identify any imbalances or deficiencies in your system. With the O-Ring. A quick look at the best supplements to help boost testosterone levels. Muscle testing is able to pick up on. 9K views 4 years ago This is an easy way to tap into your. Grasp this with the thumb and index finger of your right hand so that pressure is applied, holding your thumb and little finger together. A lot of guys reach straight for Dbol because it’s. Best Pre-Workout for Weight Loss: Transparent Labs LEAN. 8 – 5. It is given as a shot into your muscle (usually in the buttocks). Increased pain. Make sure the salt completely covers the pendulum. Self-muscle testing is used to get answers to the subconscious mind. John d. Sinclair takes vitamins D and K2 and baby aspirin daily, along with supplements that have shown promise in extending longevity in yeast, mice and human cells in test tubes. com. While EFAs may not seem as fancy as some other testosterone boosters, essential fatty acids are nutrients that your body needs to be able to function properly. Legal steroids are workout supplements that may help increase muscle mass and enhance athletic performance. Tapering can help reduce or eliminate withdrawal signs and symptoms. She helped me to illuminate the areas in my life that I needed to change and provided supplements, energetic healing, and coaching sessions to help with those changes. BCAA supports immune cell functions, muscle growth and recovery. A proven strength training program for building muscle after 50 is to lift two or three days per week, doing 10 sets per muscle and week, with about 8–15 reps per set. The basic principle of kinesiology-style muscle testing is that when there’s some stress or abnormal nervous system input to a muscle, it “weakens”. Welcome to the Kinesiology Institute! We hope you enjoy this video and subscribe if you do!In today's video, John answers the question: What are different ty. Step 1: First, take some time to center yourself. It provides information on dietary supplements. Applied kinesiology (AK) which is also know as muscle strength testing, is a method of diagnosis and treatment based on the belief that various muscles are linked to particular organs and glands, and that specific muscle weakness can signal distant internal problems such as. For the most part, calcium is an essential and useful mineral for the human body. : 3-4 eggs, 2 slices of whole-wheat toast with nut butter, bowl of fruit, glass of milk. At the PSYCH-K® Online Level 1 workshop you will learn how to do PSYCH-K® with yourself, using several different self-Muscle Testing techniques, as well as how to integrate this process in your daily life, in order to reprogram your own subconscious beliefs. I updated my business mindset books this year, and self muscle testing is a very important par. How to muscle test yourself. lack of energy and fatigue. Make sure that you stretch both sides. Now you can finish your heavy physical exercises without getting your muscles cramped or crashing yourself. 0 Téléchargement APK pour Android. " Roger Callahan, Founder, Thought Field Therapy(R) This self-test/self-treat book is a teaching manual that explains the development and uses of a method of muscle-testing I discovered that makes it. The subject holds out his/her arm straight in front of them. And since calcium cannot be made naturally in the human body, it is consumed through foods like milk, yogurt, sardines, and tofu. Develop the skill to ask questions that clarify the answers so you don’t delude yourself. Plus, it’s a good alternative to other supplements like protein tablets. Perhaps meditate for a moment, breathe deeply, and ask your higher power for help and support. Practice deep breathing on. Muscle testing, also known as applied kinesiology, is a practice that allows one to tap into the subconscious mind to retrieve information about the body. . See more ideas about muscle testing, muscle, kinesiology. Strength training can help you preserve and enhance your muscle mass at any age. Self Test Self Treat: The Power to Heal Yourself by Norma R. Therefore, it is best to test before you ingest at various times. However, in very rare cases, some people can experience side effects. Weakness can occur from both pain inhibition and nerve compression at the same but this coexistence is rare. The central area is your injection site. You can use these energy testing methods to learn the idea foods and supplements for your body, and to guide other choices around your wellbeing. Discover your unique unconscious fears, stresses and relationship issues and release them. It is very precise and scientific, and is a modern version of a very. By connecting your thumb and little finger, you have closed an electrical circuit in your hand, and it is this circuit you will use for testing. Workouts should focus on all major muscles, but men. Body, Mind How to Use Muscle Testing For Supplements – Part 2/2 November 5, 2014 How to Use Muscle Testing For Supplements – Part 2/2 In this video Dr Jerry Lee (D. Put your other thumb through the circle you just made, then touch that thumb and index finger together to form two interlinked circles. Cumulative results over 24 h of metabolic testing demonstrate that expression of ketone bodies rises (in order) from a normal diet (little change) to a modified MCT diet, an MCT ketogenic diet, and the greatest rise in ketone bodies over 24 h resulting from a classic (4:1) ketogenic diet. Worsening memory function. To help stop anxiety twitching: Eat a healthy diet. Excessive dosage of magnesium supplements can cause hypermagnesemia. Yes, muscle testing is a very real and easy way for you to connect to your subconscious and your energy system. Best for testing blood and saliva: myLab Box At-Home Testosterone Test Kit. The body produces Creatine from the amino acids Arginine, Glycine, and Methionine. On the chance that your functional medicine doctor can actually test your glutathione levels, the test is conducted in both red blood cells (RBC) and plasma. If your doctor suspects you have polymyositis, he or she might suggest some of the following tests: Blood tests. Anavar can be considered the best oral steroid for both high-quality muscle gains AND muscle retention while you’re dieting. 95% testimonials. The situp test measures the strength and endurance of your abdominal muscles. With practice, you’ll find the best way for you to. Use your arms to lift yourself back to your starting position. . In myostatin’s case, it prevents runaway anabolic muscle hypertrophy. A series of studies hailed vitamin D as a possible defense against a long list of diseases, including cancer, diabetes, depression, and even the common cold. Don't bounce. hhs. Apr 18, 2021 - Explore Tracy Druckrey's board "Muscle Testing" on Pinterest. Signs and symptoms of withdrawal include: Runny nose, watery eyes and yawning. Muscle testing is derived from Kinesiologists who found that you can test the body for different things (such as allergies, trauma, sub conscious beliefs & locating the source of illness) & the body will produce an answer using the electromagnetic field. During this test, they will ask the person to quickly flex their foot so their toes are pointing upward, and then hold the muscle there. Abdominal surgery, including C-sections: At least two weeks up to six weeks or longer; Arm or shoulder surgery: One to three months, depending on your pain levels and if you need to use a sling; Back surgery: At least six weeks; Leg or hip surgery, including joint replacements: As fast as one week for the left leg (with an automatic transmission). Best Whey Isolate for Weight Loss: Swolverine Whey Protein Isolate. m. 5. Creatine. 1. In. Concentrate your stretches on major muscle groups such as your calves, thighs, hips, lower back, neck and shoulders. ; Herniated disks. sleep problems and insomnia. Have. Find the best products with instant access to our latest tests & reviews of over 1,400 health products. It’s used to access information from your. Nov 30, 2019 - Explore Bjjopling's board "Muscle testing" on Pinterest. 1-RM = the maximum weight a patient can lift against gravity through an entire. In this video, Heather demonstrates how to muscle test yourself and explains why you would even want to learn how to do this for yourself. Can muscle testing be done on oneself?MUSCLE TESTING YOURSELF INSTEAD OF THE PATIENT. The meaning of a strong versus weak muscle response will depend on the reason muscle testing is being used. AK can be performed using acupuncture or pressure points, but muscle testing with supplements is an easy and effective method. Creatine is a leading supplement used for improving athletic performance. What’s in that Bottle? At the Farm with Gary; What Makes our Oils Different? Pet Care Spiritual. 3 p. This is an updated version of my original video on this topic. . Bottom line. 3) have a person push down on your extended arm, lightly, but enough to give it push down--don't resist too hard, but see if you can resist. Muscle testing is an alternative medicine practice that claims to effectively diagnose structural, muscular, chemical, and psychological conditions through testing the strength of your muscles. Insert the needle into the B12 vial and pull back the plunger to draw your dose. Ensure both feet are directly forward and neither are slightly turned either in or out. Here are five simple techniques you can use: Self Testing Technique One: Bring your left thumb together with your left pointer. Understanding muscle testing for supplements. If that doesn’t happen, have the subject drink some water. Although rare, excessive intake of magnesium can cause thirst, low blood. angelguides. Ningxia Red – 14-day Reset; Ningxia Energy; Specialty. Most affordable at-home testosterone kit: Verisana. 2. Learn the damage it can do, how to test for it, and what to do to kill this bacteria. I updated my business. Find out more at 3. Exercise more. Muscle Testing: the Sway Test Have the foods and/or supplements you want to test in front of you and easily accessible. You have to bust through beliefs and old paradigms and things that no longer serve you to break cycles and break through into the amazing awesome incredible life that is waiting for you. If you are using digital frequencies, real substances, or intention-based testing, vials will almost certainly add value to your testing. Medical professionals recommend 2 p. Dietary protein intake supports skeletal muscle remodeling after exercise by stimulating muscle protein synthesis and can optimize resistance training-mediated increases in skeletal muscle size and strength. muscle and joint pain. The three methods I have used are: 1. How to Muscle Test Supplements on Others. A new set of techniques, using muscle testing, is now being employed to identify allergies with great sensitivity and accuracy. Become more efficient: Your body becomes more efficient at delivering and extracting oxygen. Dietary supplements are intended to add to or supplement the diet and are different from conventional food. Since protein foods highest in leucine are more equipped to build muscle, opt for choices like beans, cottage cheese, and eggs whenever possible. Contains most nutrients needed to make testosterone. Generally, to the extent a product is intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent. Muscles stay strong for "Yes" and become weaker for "No". NOW Sports Soy Protein Isolate. Most bio-chemical processes in the body have countering processes which form cycles to ensure there are no runaway reactions. Sometimes called hypervitaminosis , it can be. The creatine kinase test is a blood test that checks whether the CK levels in your blood are elevated. Weight gain. 68K subscribers Subscribe 305 10K views 3 years ago [ The Whitten Method ] - Muscle Testing Healing. Methods. Illuminating the inner voyageWhat is kinesiology? This video will explain what it is and some simple skills that anyone can do to muscle test how your body responds to different energy p. Are you ready for y. And other symptoms of hypothyroidism. Do 3 sets of 8 reps. Studies in a variety of people have shown no detrimental health effects of taking creatine supplements in doses up to 4–20 grams per day for 10. Best Creatine Overall: Transparent Labs Creatine HMB. Next using gentle but firm sustained pressure on any muscle at a joint. Descriptions. 1) hold the product up to the center of your chest (what ever arm is most comfortable) 2) put your other arm out straight to the side, make it stiff, but not too stiff. It is an alternative medicine practice that claims to effectively diagnose structural, muscular, chemical. Some that might be helpful for protecting your heart, which you can discuss with your doctor include: Antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, coenzyme Q10, vitamin D and herbs like garlic, gingko, ginseng and hawthorn. Self muscle testing allows us to connect deeply with our innate intelligence and bypass our conscious processing. GABA) is a type of neurotransmitter, which is a chemical messenger in the brain. First method Stand barefooted on the ground and hold the bottle of the TRS. For the pill, you can either pop it open and pour the contents into a water-filled bottle, shake it up, and drink, or you could swallow the pill whole. Our bodies are much more aware of the energy of the universe than our conscious minds are – that is, until we train our minds to become aware. Option for extra 1-1. To include turmeric in its natural form in the diet, a person could try adding it to curries, smoothies, or juices. Popular supplements include vitamins D and B12; minerals like. They are. Get the Highest Quality Electrolyte . People use muscle testing for all sorts of purposes, including choosing supplements, checking in with spiritual guidance, and discovering subconscious limiting beliefs. Personal muscle testing; Bring a friend and receive $ 10 off; $25 off a personal or phone clinic session with Pam (worth over $150) 70 off Red Level 1 st weekend workshop when attend; Guidance on any food or supplements you bring to be tested for yourself; Free emotional scan sheet; A cuppa and nibbles; Book your seat now by emailing. Muscle testing is a form of biofeedback. Summary. The idea is that the subconscious mind knows everything there is to know about the body at all times, this includes the history of the body. Try to separate your thumb and little finger of your left hand by exerting pressure against the fingers in your right hand. Finger Circle Test. One supplement he takes. jan. Go for a jog. Also stretch muscles and joints that you routinely use or that you use in your activity. The muscle test is seen by many healers as a bridge to the unconscious. Then turn the tester’s hand palm up over the subject’s head, and press the arm. Kinesiologists use muscle testing to access client’s biofeedback system to help identify stressors, and blockages in the body. There are lots of common injuries that cause muscle pain similar to muscle strains, including:. Experts say that some common mistakes can hinder muscle. A dramatic example of this kind of abuse of muscle testing is the claims of David Hawkins in his book. Symptoms of dangerously low blood pressure may include dizziness and fainting spells. I. How I Use Single Homeopathics Course. Vitamin B12 injections are generally considered to be very safe. Best-Tasting Pre-Workout: Huge Supplements Pump Serum. 7:30 or 8 a. C. Often, it’s the muscle relationship that is a problem since when one muscle is inhibited, the opposite/corresponding muscle works too hard. These tests are used to check heart function, especially in people diagnosed with myotonic muscular dystrophy. AK practitioners use this basis to diagnose and treat illness. When they become severe, heavy metal. Neither the soul nor the body knows “truth. You can use it to check for hidden beliefs in your subconscious mind and your body. Click Image or Title for more information. It does this to keep muscle growth in check. Vital Treasures 2. Welcome to the Kinesiology Institute! Today we have a video featuring a breakdown of how to use muscle testing to gather information to help the body. There are many different ways to perform muscle testing, either on yourself or another person.